jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

The oral presentation the Navajos

Before to start the presentation I want to say that we have to talk about the Navajo tribe located between New Mexico, Arizona and Texas.

History of the tribe: 

Well, Navajo is the largest tribe of North American Indians. the Navajo learned how to plant corn, beans, squash, and melons.  The Navajo also began to learn a similar style of weaving, making clothing and art from the Pueblo Indians.

Almost all Navajo people speak English today, but nearly 150,000 Navajos also speak their native Navajo language. Navajo is a complex language with tones and many different vowel sounds. Most Navajo Indians lived in homes called hogans.

The Navajo reservation is currently the largest in the United States.  It has over 140,000 people with 16 million acres most of which are in Arizona.  They still weave from wool and use natural vegetable dyes for color.  Today, people live like the old days the best they can with the modern lifestyle, but others use modern technology to live. 

Tribal customs: 

The navajo tribe have many customs and believes and we want to talk about some of his customs and believes .

Navajo Indians consider the land to be their mother, and that they are the extension of 
"Mother Earth." They have maintained a tremendous respect for the earth down through 
the centuries.

The Navajo believed in many gods. The most powerful god was Sun Bearer and one of his wives, Changing Women. The land of the Navajo was marked off by four sacred. 

   When a person was sick the tribe given a special herb to drink and told to sit in the  center of the dry painting. Also the shaman touched the head of the figure then touched the patient’s had and chanted. This was repeated with each part of the body. 

Navajo hunters used bows and arrows. In war, Navajo men fired their bows or fought with spears and rawhide shields. Navajo tools included wooden hoes and rakes for farming, spindles and looms for weaving, and pump drills for boring holes in turquoise and other beads. 

The principal roll of the mens and women's in the tribe:

Men and women did different jobs in Navajo society. Navajo men were hunters, warriors and political leaders. Only men were chiefs in the Navajo tribe. Navajo women were farmers, tended livestock, and also did most of the child care and cooking. 

Originally, Navajo men wore breechcloths and the women wore skirts made of woven yucca fiber. Shirts were not necessary in Navajo culture, but both men and women wore deerskin ponchos or cloaks of rabbit fur in cool weather, and moccasins on their feet. 

Important tribe members:

Ganado Mucho: he was a Navajo headman, a proponent of peace with whites, and as his name indicated, a cattleman in the vicinity of present-day Klagetoh on the Navajo Reservation.

Manuelito: was a very important men that his nickname was ``the angry warrior``. Manuelito had become wealthy through agricultural pursuits, livestock raising, and raids

Navajo Religion: 

Most Navajos believe that in the universe there exists an Almighty, a spiritual force that is the source of all life. The Almighty belief is not pictured as a man in the sky, but is believed to be formless and exist in the universe. The sun is viewed as the power of the Almighty. They are not worshipping the sun, but praying to the Almighty, and the sun is a sign and symbol for that.

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Native Americans Tribes

Well to start this new post I would like to say a short introduction of the Navajos tribe.  are the largest single federally recognized tribe of the United States of America. The Navajo Nation has 300,048 enrolled tribal members. The Navajo Nation constitutes an independent governmental body which manages the Navajo Indian reservation in the Four Corners area of the United States. The Navajo language is spoken throughout the region, although most Navajo speak English as well.
Navajo is a tribe that was located between New Mexico, Arizona, Texas
In this project we have to travel and arrive in five tribes and get at least 3 needs.

the list of tribes that Navajo needs to visit are:

Nex Perce

First visit was the tribe Miwok where the tribe will go towards the northern california 

There the tribe trade with miwok and change an a corn for a  was that will be useful later.

One use of corn is the making of utilities or for food and clothing.

Second tribe to visit is in north dakota, this is the Mandan tribe where the navajos exchange
a turqoise for jewelry because it is necessary for their tribe.

jewelry is very important to the Navajos and that it can create all your precious sones for dressing well.

The third and fourth tribe left in Northern Idaho / Western Montana, the nearest tribe is the Kootenai tribe there navajo changes a medicinal plant (it is very important to the tribe, which has over 450 species of wild plants for medicinal Purposes) by a red and black paint pigment where this material will be changed in the next tribe. The Nex Perce tribe neighbor is exchanged on the red and black paint pigment for bison hides.

Bison hides food is a must for the Navajo tribe.

Finally the last tribe to visit Snoqualmie is located in Oregon / Washington. After an arduous journey finally Navajo tribe reaches its final destination where it changes the pipestone  obtained at the first stop  for an a obsidian.

Obsidian is a very valuable tool to make and sharpen weapons at the time of the Navajo.

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

First activity of the second bimester

 The inflation that affected all the people in the city.

I am a taxi driver. A few years ago I was receiving about 7 passengers per day but currently I only received 3 passengers per month. This its make me worry, because I have to pay the costs of my home and the cause of why are so few passengers are that the costs have gone up. I think that this a really disaster. There are also 60% people with sufficient money to pay the food. I think that the government has exceeded the prices and if we dont do something in a few months this country will have very serious problems

this represents inflation. In this story this paper are only 10 dollars